Tax Considerations in Florida Divorce

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Divorce in Florida brings important tax considerations for spouses including the dependency deduction for children, tax-ability and deductibility of child support, tax-ability and deductibility of alimony, and tax effects of property transfers.

Know the tax consequences of your settlement agreement before finalizing your dissolution of marriage is critical.  An unanticipated tax situation may result in an award in a net amount far less than what a party expected. Further, it may be too late after the signing of a marital settlement agreement or entry of a final judgment to correct mistakes.

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Around here we have a saying, “If you can’t explain it in simple language, you don’t really understand it.”

We’re changing the way people think about lawyers.

We understand how difficult it can be to initiate divorce proceedings because we’re people.

We also happen to be Palm Beach divorce lawyers, Broward divorce lawyers, and Miami Dade divorce lawyers.

We can help.

Our South Florida Divorce Attorneys serve clients in Palm Beach County, Broward County, Miami Dade County, and throughout Florida.

If you need assistance with compassion and respect in the handling of your dissolution of marriage, or if you simply have a few questions about divorce in Florida please contact us.

We want to hear your story and share ours.

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