Domestic Violence in Florida

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If you are the victim of domestic violence, repeat violence or sexual violence, you should immediately seek help from the police.  After you are out of immediate danger, quickly call a Florida family law attorney and have your Florida family law lawyer ask the civil court to enter a “restraining order in Florida.”  In Florida, a restraining order is known as an injunction.  The full name is Florida Domestic Violence injunction.

You may also go to civil court yourself, without a Florida domestic violence attorney, to petition for an injunction to protect yourself against domestic violence assault or battery, repeat violence, or sexual violence. Domestic violence by your spouse is grounds for an injunction whether you are together, separated or former spouses.

You may retain the services of a Florida family law attorney to represent you in the domestic violence civil action if you so choose. You cannot request that the other party pay for the attorney’s fees, suit money, or costs incurred on your behalf in the domestic violence proceeding, meaning you will be solely responsible to pay for those fees and costs. There may be local legal aid programs and organizations that can provide legal assistance for free or at a reduced rate. You should contact the office of the clerk of the circuit court in your county or a local domestic violence shelter for information.

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Around here we have a saying, “If you can’t explain it in simple language, you don’t really understand it.”

We’re changing the way people think about lawyers.

We understand how difficult it can be to initiate Florida domestic violence proceedings against a spouse because we’re people.

We also happen to be Palm Beach domestic violence lawyers, Broward domestic violence lawyers, and Miami Dade domestic violence lawyers.

We can help.

Our South Florida domestic violence attorneys serve clients in Palm Beach County, Broward County, Miami Dade County, and throughout Florida.

If you need assistance with compassion and respect in the handling of your domestic violence claim in Florida or Florida domestic violence injunction, or if you simply have a few questions about divorce in Florida please contact us.

We want to hear your story and share ours.

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